NKK Investments and UrbanKisaan collaborate to transform agriculture in Oman, UAE & Saudi


NKK Investments and UrbanKisaan collaborate to transform agriculture in Oman, UAE & Saudi

August 21st, 2023: Dubai, UAE; Riyadh, Saudi: Nailesh Kanaksi Khimji (NKK) Investments, a visionary company in the AgriTech, Green Hydrogen, and Sustainability sectors, has announced a strategic partnership with UrbanKisaan, an acclaimed Agri-tech startup from United States, with its research center in India. This alliance is set to transform hydroponic farming practices in Oman, UAE, and Saudi Arabia.

Under the umbrella of this joint-venture, NKK Investments aims to introduce UrbanKisaan’s advanced hydroponic and vertical farming technology to Oman. The focal point of this venture is to popularize UrbanKisaan’s innovative farming techniques, rendering them more affordable and accessible to Omani farmers. By harnessing the power of hydroponics and vertical farming, the joint-venture seeks to empower local agriculturalists to cultivate higher yields with significantly fewer resources, consequently enabling them to invest wisely in the future of farming.

A key facet of this collaboration lies in the intent to extend UrbanKisaan’s revolutionary technology across Oman’s borders, to benefit farmers in the UAE and Saudi Arabia. This technology, proven to be environmentally conscious and resource-efficient, allows crops to flourish with minimal water and land utilization in comparison to conventional methods. The result is not only a reduction in the carbon footprint but also the production of highly nutritious crops that contribute to a healthier populace.

Shedding light on the joint-venture, Chirayu Khimji, Director of NKK Investments and KR Group stated, “We would like to thank the Ministry of Agriculture, Fisheries and Water, and allied authorities, for providing a robust framework to support this Joint-Venture. Our partnership with UrbanKisaan aligns perfectly with our commitment to fostering sustainable advancements in agriculture within the Sultanate. Most importantly, we will be able to serve our customers with technology to allow them to grow more with less.”

“By combining NKK Investments’ strategic insights with UrbanKisaan’s pioneering technology, we are poised to reshape the future of farming in Oman and help our nation achieve food security targets in line with His Majesty Sultan Haitham’s Oman Vision 2040. We are confident that the proliferation of our technology within the Sultanate will allow the people of Oman to enjoy pesticide and GMO-free fruits and vegetables at the lowest pricing to date”, he continued.

Sharing his perspective, Vihari Kanukollu, CEO and Co-founder of UrbanKisaan mentioned, “Our collaboration with NKK Investments marks a significant step forward in realizing our mission to make advanced farming technology accessible to a global audience. Together, we are creating a more sustainable and productive agricultural landscape.”

Empowering Omani Farmers:

The core mission of this partnership is to equip Omani farmers with state-of-the-art hydroponic and vertical farming technology to allow them to grow more produce with far fewer costs. By offering access to cutting-edge solutions, the collaboration aims to amplify agricultural output while keeping investments within reach.

Sustainability Leading the Way:

By revolutionizing traditional farming practices, NKK Investments and UrbanKisaan are steering Oman towards a greener and more self-sustaining agricultural future, fostering positive impacts on both the environment and the local community.

Reducing Carbon Footprint:

The infusion of hyper-local urban farms into Oman’s agricultural landscape is anticipated to create a substantial reduction in the carbon footprint associated with the traditional supply chain. UrbanKisaan’s innovative farming methodologies not only conserve water but also promise higher yields, setting a benchmark for environmental stewardship in the region.

About NKK Investments:

Under the guidance of Nailesh Kanaksi Khimji, Director of Khimji Ramdas Group, NKK Investments is dedicated to building partnerships with cutting-edge technology businesses within the domains of AgriTech, Green Hydrogen, and Sustainability. The collaboration with UrbanKisaan showcases NKK Investments’ commitment to propelling Oman’s agricultural sector toward an advanced and sustainable future by leveraging breakthrough technology.

About UrbanKisaan:

Founded in 2017 by Vihari Kanukollu and Sairam Palicherla, UrbanKisaan is a pioneering force in vertical farming. The United States startup has been on a relentless journey of perfecting hydroponic systems & vertical farming systems, indoor lighting solutions, farm automation, and proprietary crop management software platforms, it has it’s research and development center in India. This holistic approach has culminated in an advanced vertical farming solution that redefines agricultural practices, making them both efficient and sustainable.

Note to Editors:

For more information on UrbanKisaan and its transformative technology, visit https://www.urbankisaan.com/